Creepy Doll

This doll will keep your little norns company. It is a comforting companion, decreasing a norn's fear, boredom, and loneliness when played with. It will also help your norns fall asleep.
Download Creepy Doll
Download Creepy Doll
Annie Doll

Annie is a much more girly version of the Creepy Doll. When played with, she will decrease a norn's fear, boredom, and loneliness while increasing sleepiness a little.
Download Annie Doll
Download Annie Doll
Mr. Whiskers

Mr. Whiskers is the creepy doll for the animal lover. Like the others, he will decrease a norn's fear, boredom, and loneliness while increasing sleepiness.
Download Mr. Whiskers
Download Mr. Whiskers
Love Doll

The Love Doll seems to have mysterious properties, and is often used as a good luck charm for norns looking to start a family.
Playing with the Love Doll will increase your norn's sex drive and reduce boredom. However, it will also make your norn feel a little lonely...
Not recommended for children.
Download Love Doll
Playing with the Love Doll will increase your norn's sex drive and reduce boredom. However, it will also make your norn feel a little lonely...
Not recommended for children.
Download Love Doll